Beyond the Present: The Transformative Skill of Anticipation

What are your superpowers? Consider appreciating and developing the power of anticipation. #TwinzTalk

In my recent morning reading, the August 25th post titled Cultivate the Third Eye in Robert Greene’s book The Daily Laws resonated with me.

In our personal development agenda, Don and I address anticipation as a superpower we have developed throughout our careers. Greene suggests that “reading the future” is a trait we can learn and develop. He notes:

“Most people are locked in the moment. They are prone to overreacting and panicking, to seeing only a narrow part of the reality facing the group. They cannot entertain alternative ideas or prioritize. Those who maintain their presence of mind and elevate their perspective above the moment tap into the visionary powers of the human mind and cultivate that third eye for unseen forces and trends. They stand out from the group and fulfill the true function of leadership.”

Prioritize time to contemplate your superpowers. Many superpowers are not inherited – they can be developed. Anticipation is powerful and well worth deliberately working towards. The payoff compounds – working and living with a proactive mindset vs. reacting to what the world throws at us – are incredibly valuable!