#TwinzTalk Life Advice and Lessons Learned

On December 3, 2023, I gifted my twin brother Don my unpublished memoir Double Vision: Seeing Life Through Twin Eyes. The book led with advice and life lessons we have learned through our careers in business and working closely with each other – as only a twin could do. Directly from the book, I share the following:

Book Back Cover Blurb

In collaboration with ChatGPT, the back cover blurb for the book sets the context of the gift I have received by the good fortune to share my life with a twin brother:

In his reflections, author Bill Tomoff delves into the profound bond he shares with his twin brother Don. Beginning their journey together in 1958, Bill and Don have navigated the complexities of life, intertwining their personal and professional paths in an extraordinary dance of support, competition, and growth.

This book is a heartfelt tribute to a relationship that exemplifies resilience and mutual inspiration. Through anecdotes from their childhood to their careers in accounting and technology, Bill paints a vivid portrait of a life enriched by Don’s presence. Their story is one of shared trials and triumphs, a testament to the unique connection between twins and the strength of having a constant ally.

Bill’s reflections are a chronicle of twinhood and a celebration of gratitude. He credits Don’s influence for much of his personal and professional development, underscoring the importance of support systems in achieving success. This book is a compelling narrative of two lives beautifully interwoven, a journey of learning, adaptation, and relentless pursuit of excellence, made possible by the unwavering bond between twin brothers.

Advice and Life Lessons Learned from the Twinz

Throughout our lives and careers, Don and I are grateful to have learned many lessons that have helped guide our approach to our worlds. We hope some of the points noted below will resonate with you and help you “level up” and achieve greater fulfillment and success.

A great joy in our lives is when we can share and help others through our own life experiences. If any of these tips resonate with you, please share them in your world!

  1. Do your best: Your best is all anyone can ask.
  2. Play the infinite game: Be aware of the game you are playing.
  3. Don’t let work get in the way of progress.” – Don Tomoff
  4. Be gentle. Be kind – you never know what someone is going through.” – Bill Tomoff
  5. Help others: In every interaction, think “help this person.” – inspiration from Bruce Kasanoff
  6. Invest in yourself: Your time and resources. Prioritize personal development.
  7. Read. Read:Not all readers are leaders, but all leaders are readers.” – Harry S. Truman.
  8. You will fail: You will make mistakes. Learn from these moments.
  9. Learn from other people’s mistakes. Charlie Munger’s encouragement.
  10. Be humble and carry a beginner’s (always learning) mindset.
  11. Live a life of kindness and gratitude and express appreciation to others.
  12. Send handwritten thank you notes: Expressing appreciation for family, friends, colleagues, customers, and others who help your journey through life is a superpower.
  13. Generously share your knowledge and skills.
  14. Live with an abundance mindset – not a scarcity (win-lose) mindset. There is room for everyone to win.
  15. Embrace a growth mindset vs. a fixed mindset.
  16. Do not gossip, judge others, or share unwanted opinions.
  17. Lead by example.
  18. Change yourself to change others.
  19. People need people: Remember the African proverb – “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.
  20. Embrace a morning routine of quiet time for reading and contemplation.
  21. Be humble, be curious, and not judgemental – always be learning.
  22. Understand the strength in these three words: “I don’t know.”
  23. In your actions and daily life – “leave it better than you found it.” For example – see Bill Tomoff’s departing note to colleagues at the Cleveland Cavaliers in 2014.
  24. Take what you do seriously. Do not take yourself seriously.
  25. Care – about doing your best, helping others, personal development, doing good, and being kind to yourself and others in your world.
  26. Work to deserve respect, trust, success, etc. – while we do not control external factors, we CAN live to enhance our lives and deserve the desired outcome.
  27. Participate in Communities of Practice. Bill Tomoff’s blog “Navigating New Horizons: Social Media to Communities of Practice.”
  28. To be continued (the learning and growth never stops…)