ChatGPT Lite Part 6 of 6 – Sample Use Cases to Inspire Your Creativity for Personal Use

This is part 6 of 6 posts introducing ChatGPT and a path forward to consider for adoption and learning growth. 

  1. Part 1 of 6 (Introduction) can be found here
  2. Part 2 of 6 (Description of GenAI framework and ChatGPT “fit”) can be found here
  3. Part 3 of 6 (Steps to Getting Started) can be found here
  4. Part 4 of 6 (High-Level Concepts to Understand) can be found here.
  5. Part 5 of 6 (Resources for Learning: Influencers and Online Learning courses) can be found here.

Don and I think it is important to reemphasize the mindset that whether or not you adopt GenAI and LLMs such as ChatGPT is YOUR DECISION. Studying these new tools and challenging yourself with personal use cases is a path available to everyone. You will benefit and be of greater value personally and professionally because of the knowledge attained and skills developed. Embrace a mindset of curiosity and possibility while also paying attention to the inevitable risks that arise. Learning is your secret weapon.

To stimulate your thinking, below are several use case examples that the Twinz have used. Once you have experienced the potential of immediate, ad-free feedback, we promise your creative juices will start flowing in ways ChatGPT Plus can compellingly contribute to your life.

  1. Visiting a new location? Ask ChatGPT to provide suggestions for must-see highlights. During a 2023 trip to Normandy in France, ChatGPT was my companion for questions about the D-Day invasion.
  2. Planning a vacation (i.e., My family of four is planning a trip to Walt Disney World in Florida – please suggest an itinerary for a six-day, five-night trip).
  3. Ask ChatGPT to create a QR Code.
  4. Using the Vision functionality, ask ChatGPT to explain the details of a product you have a picture of.
  5. Ask ChatGPT to adopt a specific persona and then ask a relevant question where that expertise is required. An example would be to ask for estate planning thoughts from the persona that ChatGPT is “an attorney with expertise in estate planning.”
  6. Specific questions regarding technology – such as “Please provide a brief introduction to prompt engineering and why it is important to prioritize time to understand the nuances of prompting when working with ChatGPT.”
  7. One of my favorite uses includes asking ChatGPT to summarize and, often, provide bullet-point highlights of specific writing content I created. An example is my blog post “The Art of the Epitaph: Conveying a Lifetime in Ten Words or Less.”

Once you have found your own use cases, we would love to know how ChatGPT has contributed to your life. Personal use alone will change and enhance your life experience. Wishing you the best in your adventure!

BONUS: Custom GPTs

While Don and I encourage adopting “start narrow” and experiencing specific use cases for ChatGPT Plus in your world, it is critical to understand AI is rapidly evolving with new features and possibilities. The potential to feel overwhelmed and unsure where to focus your energies is likely.  Please start, embrace ambiguity, pay attention to experts in the space, and accept that no one has all the answers to where the technology will evolve to in the future – only that it will evolve.

Within ChatGPT Plus, an exciting development announced on November 6, 2023, from OpenAI is the ability for users to create GPTs. OpenAI has created a store where users can sell GPTs. The GPT feature is not discussed in this ChatGPT Lite introduction, but if you made it this far, we are sharing the awareness of GPTs! Per the article linked below:

What are these GPTs?

“GPTs are custom versions of ChatGPT from OpenAI, its business partners, and thousands of third-party developers who created their own GPTs.

Sometimes when people encounter ChatGPT, they don’t know where to start. OpenAI calls it the “empty box problem.” Discovering that led the company to find a way to narrow down the choices, Turley said.

“People really benefit from the packaging of a use case — here’s a very specific thing that I can do with ChatGPT,” like travel planning, cooking help or an interactive, step-by-step tool to build a website, Turley said.

Think of GPTs as OpenAI trying to make the general-purpose power of ChatGPT more refined the same way smartphones have a wealth of specific tools. (And think of GPTs as OpenAI’s attempt to take control over how we find, use and pay for these apps, much like Apple has a commanding role over iPhones through its App Store.)”

ChatGPT: Here’s What It Is, How It Works and How It’s Evolving – CNET

ChatGPT Lite Part 5 of 6 – Resources for Learning: Influencers and Online Learning courses

This is part 5 of 6 posts introducing ChatGPT and a path forward to consider for adoption and learning growth. 

  1. Part 1 of 6 (Introduction) can be found here
  2. Part 2 of 6 (Description of GenAI framework and ChatGPT “fit”) can be found here
  3. Part 3 of 6 (Steps to Getting Started) can be found here
  4. Part 4 of 6 (High-Level Concepts to Understand) can be found here.

Once the core suggestions are adopted (install ChatGPT and purchase the Plus monthly subscription) and you have started to work with the platform (“kick the tires“), the process for learning, creativity, and skills growth is to embrace a personal dedication to investing in yourself. No one can tell you an exact path to follow or the right or wrong ways to develop yourself. When technology is brand new, there is good news and bad news to accept:

  • Good news – you get to touch and experiment with the tool to find what is compelling for you. The TwinzTalk duo loves touching and experimenting with tech tools, and we have been early adopters throughout our lives.
  • Bad news – you must walk your own path of assessment and growth. You are responsible. No one can give you exact answers on what works for you.

While YOU are responsible for deciding your path forward (Don and I strongly discourage the decision to dismiss the technology as not relevant to you), resources exist to accelerate learning. In this section, we are sharing resources on influencers and online learning that we have identified and have been invaluable to our growth in using ChatGPT Plus. We hope some of these resources are valuable for you.


Conor Grennan

  1. Website –
  2. The AI Mindset Newsletter –
  3. The Truth About Prompting –
  4. LinkedIn –
  5. YouTube –

Allie K. Miller

  1. Website AI with Allie –
  2. The AI with Allie Newsletter – (subscribe and receive 50-page FREE ChatGPT Guide)
  3. AI with Allie – Becoming an AI-Enhanced Human (FREE 5-day educational email course) –
  4. LinkedIn –
  5. YouTube –

Ethan Mollick

  1. LinkedIn –
  2. Substack –
  3. NPR Interview ‘Everybody is cheating’: Why this teacher has adopted an open ChatGPT policy

Paul Roetzer

  1. Marketing Artificial Intelligence Institute – Founder Paul Roetzer –
  2. Marketing AI Institute – Paul Roetzer blog –
  3. The Marketing AI Show – Paul Roetzer and Mike Kaput weekly (Tuesday) podcast – (insightful and always timely – highly recommend!)
  4. LinkedIn –


Listed below are courses I have completed and found helpful. Coursera, Udemy, and LinkedIn Learning are my favorite go-to sources for free or nominal personal development courses. We recommend browsing these platforms and locating topics you want to learn more about. The barrier to entry is often low (free or nominal cost), and the available content is spectacular. The hard part? Making the commitment to invest in your growth. You are in control. As Seth Godin would encourage, “Go. Make a ruckus.” Dedicate yourself to learning and then share your learning with others.

Coursera – Prompt Engineering for ChatGPT- Instructor Dr. Jules White, Vanderbilt University 

Coursera – ChatGPT Advanced Data Analysis – Instructor Dr. Jules White, Vanderbilt University

Udemy – ChatGPT, Midjourney, DALL-E 3 & APIs – The Complete Guide – Instructors from Academind (Maximilian Schwarzmuller)

LinkedIn Learning – courses are free with a paid LinkedIn subscription

ChatGPT Lite Part 4 of 6 – High-Level Concepts to Understand

This is part 4 of 6 posts introducing ChatGPT and a path forward to consider for adoption and learning growth. Part 1 of 6 (Introduction) can be found here. Part 2 of 6 (Description of GenAI framework and ChatGPT “fit”) can be found here. Part 3 of 6 (Steps to Getting Started) can be found here.

  1. Prompt engineering – overview: Prompt engineering is designing and refining inputs (prompts) given to AI models, like ChatGPT, to optimize the quality and relevance of their outputs. This process involves carefully crafting questions, statements, or scenarios that guide the AI to generate responses more aligned with the user’s intentions.
  2. Prompt Library – prompting styles will be a repetitive process. Build a library of frequent prompts used. Per ChatGPT, “Developing a prompt library—a curated collection of well-crafted prompts designed for various tasks, questions, or scenarios—offers numerous advantages for users engaging with Large Language Models (LLMs) like ChatGPT. This practice harnesses the model’s capabilities more effectively and efficiently.”
  3. Custom Instructions – per ChatGPT, “Building personal “custom instructions” for ChatGPT is akin to personalizing a tool to work more effectively for your specific needs and preferences.” Seth Godin describes and gives examples of custom instructions in his blog post, ChatGPT for you dated September 20, 2023.
  4. Iterative process – The ChatGPT thread builds on the previous prompts, helping to expand thinking or dive more deeply into a topic. Per ChatGPT, “The iterative learning process in a prompt thread with ChatGPT refers to the model’s ability to build upon previous interactions within the same conversation to generate responses that are more accurate, relevant, and customized to the user’s ongoing queries or requirements.”
  5. Hallucinations – Per ChatGPT, “In the context of GPT models, hallucinations refer to instances where the AI generates information or data that is inaccurate, fabricated, or not grounded in reality. These hallucinations can range from minor inaccuracies to entirely false narratives or facts. Understanding and mitigating the risk of such hallucinations is crucial.”

The list above will quickly expand as you work with ChatGPT, yet a brief understanding of these topics will enhance your ability to work more meaningfully with the platform. Below are influencers and courses to consider that will allow you to delve deeper into your areas of interest. Stay curious and open to learning, and show up daily to build your skills and real-life examples that will inspire you to keep going.

ChatGPT Lite Part 3 of 6 – Steps to Getting Started

This is part 3 of 6 posts introducing ChatGPT and a path forward to consider for adoption and learning growth. Part 1 of 6 (Introduction) can be found here. Part 2 of 6 (Description of GenAI framework and ChatGPT “fit”) can be found here.

Where do I start once I have ChatGPT Plus? This is one of the most common questions that Don and I are asked. We cannot tell you what the best use cases are in your situation, but we can provide examples that stimulate thoughts for ideas. We firmly believe that once you start working with ChatGPT, your creativity will be ignited, and you’ll be off and running!

From a macro perspective, we believe that the mainstream availability and ongoing development of GenAI and, for discussion here, ChatGPT is an advancement in technology that every person needs to be curious about and engage a willingness to experience the potential of how this can and will impact their world. Whether you are paying for ChatGPT Plus or not, you already ARE paying for it (if not – you are paying through inefficient efforts and reduced talent development – which is imperative in today’s world).

Through our TwinzTalk efforts, we have created a hierarchy to contemplate when working with ChatGPT and other LLMs:

  1. Determine your task to be done.
  2. Is the task a “black or white” (a concrete answer is achievable)?
  3. Use the tool to ACCELERATE what you do. Productivity can be exponentially enhanced.
  4. Use the tool to ENABLE what you should do. Tasks such as documentation of processes are now quickly and painlessly achievable.
  5. Use the tool to ALLOW what you cannot currently do. An example would be Advanced Data Analysis to write Microsoft Excel VBA or Python code needed – beyond existing skillset.

TwinzTalk Hierarchy – Thinking about use cases for ChatGPT and other LLMs

ChatGPT Lite Part 2 of 6 – Description of Generative AI (GenAI) and how ChatGPT fits into the framework of GenAI

This is part 2 of 6 posts introducing ChatGPT and a path forward to consider for adoption and learning growth. Part 1 of 6 (Introduction) can be found here.

A brief description of GenAI and ChatGPT is provided below. “Zooming out” to take a higher view helps to clarify where the ChatGPT LLM fits into the picture of the larger theme of GenAI.

Prompting ChatGPT with “Please describe the concept of generative AI and how LLMs such as ChatGPT fit into the concept,” this helpful explanation was generated:

“Generative AI refers to a type of artificial intelligence that can generate content, whether text, images, music, or any other form of media. It’s not just about analyzing or processing existing information but creating new, original content based on the data it has been trained on.

Within the realm of generative AI, Language Models (LMs) like GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) are specialized in understanding and generating human-like text. These models are a subset of generative AI focused explicitly on natural language processing (NLP), the domain concerned with the interaction between computers and human language.

ChatGPT, a variant of the GPT model, fits into the concept of generative AI as a state-of-the-art language model. Here’s how:

  1. Pre-training on Diverse Corpus: ChatGPT, like other LMs, is pre-trained on a vast and diverse text corpus. This pre-training allows the model to understand language patterns, grammar, context, and writing styles.
  2. Generative Capabilities: ChatGPT can generate coherent and contextually relevant text based on the input received after pre-training. It’s not just retrieving answers from a database but generating them, often creating content that didn’t exist before.
  3. Fine-tuning for Specific Tasks: While the base model is already powerful, ChatGPT can be fine-tuned for specific tasks or exhibit certain stylistic or thematic preferences in its output. This makes it highly versatile and adaptable to different domains.
  4. Understanding and Generating Contextually Relevant Content: ChatGPT, especially in its latest iterations, is adept at understanding context and generating relevant content. It can continue a conversation, answer questions, write stories, code software, and much more, often in a remarkably human-like way.

In the broader picture of generative AI, LLMs like ChatGPT represent a significant leap forward in our ability to automate and enhance various text-based tasks and interactions. They are key players in the ongoing evolution of AI, pushing the boundaries of what machines can understand and create in terms of human language.”

Ernst & Young overview – GPT component of Artificial Intelligence

AI Wisdom from Seth Godin: Embracing the Dumb-Yet-Useful Tools That Are Transforming Our World: ChatGPT and Beyond

On February 14, 2024, I introduced an initiative that #TwinzTalk Don and I kicked off – getting started with AI and ChatGPT referencing an overview document titled ChatGPT Lite: How to Get Started. We have been engaging with ChatGPT Plus and other AI Large Language Models (LLMs), such as Claude AI, starting in December 2022, shortly after Open AI introduced ChatGPT on November 30, 2022.

The future of work changed instantly with the availability of LLMs for the mainstream consumer.

Seth Godin shared an insightful blog on April 20, 2024, titled ChatGPT is dumber than it looks. Seth accurately notes:

“The reason AI language models are dumb is that they don’t actually know anything, the model is simply calculating probabilities. Not about the unknown, but about everything. Each word, each sentence, is a statistical guess.

I’ve switched mostly to because it’s more effective and less arrogant, but it’s still guessing.

If a guess is good enough, you’re set. If it’s not, plan accordingly.”

Don’t ignore AI because it’s dumb. Figure out how to create patterns and processes where you can use it as the useful tool it’s becoming.

Don and I have emphasized from the beginning:

  1. A mindset of curiosity, optimism, and possibility, balanced with realism, is imperative. Learn and grow with the tools.
  2. Know what you are expecting to receive from prompts. Domain expertise is critical for evaluating output that needs to be specific and accurate.
  3. Approach AI results critically, and educate yourself on the limitations, considering the results you seek.
  4. Although not perfect, embrace the possibility of AI to enhance thinking, creativity, and productivity exponentially.

We created a visual, shown below, to consider the potential uses for anyone. This is not a question of “how can this help me professionally?” Please think at a more macro level: “How can this help me, and how can I then help others by bringing more value to the world?

TwinzTalk Framework – GenAI and ChatGPT

Embrace the possibilities and create value for your world!

Making a Ruckus with AI: A Call to Action for Agile Thinkers

Are you on the sideline thinking about using AI tools such as ChatGPT Plus and Claude.AI? Hard stop – listen to the incredible wisdom of Seth Godin on Branding & Marketing In The Age of AI with Stephen Houraghan.

When ChatGPT was introduced on November 30, 2023, Don Tomoff and I quickly thought, “We need to understand what is happening here.” Since then, we have been stunned by the potential of this technology to assist us personally and professionally. We encourage anyone to adopt the ChatGPT Plus Pro plan for $20 per month and dedicate daily time to experimenting and getting a sense of the technology. We focus on narrowing the path to help others enter the AI-enabled world. For a quick start, see blog post dated February 14, 2024, ChatGPT Lite – How to Get Started: Introduction Part 1 of 6.

In the podcast episode linked below, Stephen asks Seth about his thoughts on the impact of AI. The image below speaks volumes. When Seth heard the question – he smiled as if to say “I was hoping you would ask this question!” For almost four minutes, Seth made compelling points that everyone should pay heed to:

  1. “I think AI is the biggest change in our world since the invention of electricity. A bigger change than the internet.”
  2. “If you are not using it for half an hour a day, you don’t understand.”
  3. “Every word I put out there with my name on it [Seth Godin blog, etc.] was written by me. But if I was starting today, that would not be true.”
  4. “What AI does today is it replaces competence… The only space left is to not be simply competent… You have to figure out how to do something that AI couldn’t do because that is the only thing worth charging for.”
  5. “When you are doing work that could be done by AI, you should have AI do it so you can get back to the work that we need to pay you for.”
  6. “You have helped create change. And now, change is coming after you.”
  7. “The opportunities for agile, smart people to take advantage of AI over the next three years are enormous.”

The last point bears repeating for emphasis: “The opportunities for agile, smart people to take advantage of AI over the next three years are enormous.

The YouTube video posted here will start at 32:18 when Stephen asks the AI question. The conversation goes to 36:00 minutes. Embrace these four minutes of learning Seth’s thoughtful and dramatic observations about the future of AI and what every professional needs to do now.

As Seth would encourage, “Go. Make a ruckus.” Please. The world needs your contribution. AI will help you create value for yourself and your ability to contribute and help others!

The Unseen Power of ChatGPT in My Personal Growth and Writing

The work that Don and I do around the topic of Generative AI, and specifically ChatGPT Plus, has focused on the potential to improve individual performance. How can we all utilize ChatGPT to enhance performance and raise our contributions to our world and others?

  1. Accelerate – What We Do.
  2. Enable – What We Should Do.
  3. Allow – What We Can’t Do.

These areas are exciting to consider as we enhance our productivity (accelerate), creativity, and thoughts. As we individually improve our understanding of Generative AI and narrow the focus, ChatGPT Plus specifically, our ability to help others accelerates. Embrace this exciting potential.

Over the past 3+ years, I have written regularly and have built an extensive resource of reflections about many topics of interest to me. The process started on June 8, 2020, when Terri (writing The Focused Fight) and I joined Writing in Community, a six-month initiative to write a book. My initial project was to write a personal (unpublished) memoir/autobiography. What evolved for me was unimaginable – a love of regular writing, celebrating so many who have played a part in my and my family’s lives, and going in directions with my writing that has enriched my life tremendously.

What does this have to do with ChatGPT? Noting from above the highest level of individual possibility – Allow – What We Can’t Do – I used ChatGPT to summarize content for me. As an extension of my writing, gaining insight from ChatGPT ignited a new level of results that I confidently placed in the “What I can’t do” category!

My memoirs that I have completed since embarking on my writing adventure in 2020:


  • Chapter 32 of The Focused Fight – Heartfelt Reflections from Bill and Olivia.


  1. Personal autobiography/memoir (December 2020) – Living Life…Off The Track.
  2. Memoir of daughter Olivia (December 2021) – Forever Changed: One Family’s Adventure with The Beautiful Game of Soccer.
  3. Memoir of brother Alex (February 2023) – “Million Dollar Al” and Beyond.
  4. Memoir of twin brother Don (December 2023) – Double Vision: Seeing Life Through Twin Eyes.

On June 21, 2023, I shared a blog post using ChatGPT to recap chapter 19, The Postcard Project, of The Focused Fight. The results I received back were stunning and have inspired me to ask ChatGPT to provide summaries of my writing regularly. Using my writing, ChatGPT summarizes and articulates the meaning better than I could ever do myself! I have a new personal assistant to assist my writing efforts!

To be shared separately, I used ChatGPT to provide me a “Book Back Cover Blurb” in the document gifted to my brothers Alex and Don.

From Fear to Action: Adopting a Low-Risk Approach to New Technologies

Summary of Blog Post Highlights (assist to ChatGPT)

After I have written about a topic of interest, I often enjoy prompting ChatGPT to provide a TL;DR summary and/or a recap of highlights. I have found ChatGPT often recaps my words and articulates my thoughts better than I can! The highlights of the full blog post:

  1. Stay Calm: Don’t succumb to the fear and hysteria often portrayed by mainstream media. Embrace change with a calm and open mind.
  2. Adopt a Possibility Mindset: Be optimistic about AI’s potential benefits. Rather than fearing the unknown, explore new technology’s possibilities.
  3. Limit Exposure to Alarmist Media: Alarmist narratives often overemphasize the risks of AI. Make an effort to seek balanced, well-researched information.
  4. Be Curious, Not Judgmental: Approach AI with curiosity and an eagerness to learn. Don’t dismiss it outright due to misconceptions or biases.
  5. Test Out Technology: Engage with AI in low-risk situations to gain firsthand experience. Ignoring AI might pose a higher risk in the long run.
  6. Leverage, Don’t Overly Rely on AI: While AI can be highly beneficial, don’t become too dependent on it. Strive for a balanced use of technology.
  7. Continuous Learning and Development: By remaining curious and open-minded, you can continually develop personally and professionally. AI offers an array of opportunities for learning and growth.
  8. Make Informed Decisions: By engaging with AI, you can make educated decisions about its utility. This will allow you to benefit from the technology while mitigating the potential risks of choosing to ignore the tools.
  9. Contribute Positively: A measured, intentional approach to AI can enable you to make significant contributions to society and improve your own life.

Full Blog Post

I recently read a blog post by Ted Lamade, published by Collaborative Fund, titled Fear of Acorns.

Starting with a story about the fable of Chicken Little, Lamade turns the focus to the modern-day introduction of AI and the fact that there is no shortage of fear that “the sky is falling” and that AI is leading us down a dangerous path. Is the fear warranted?

The fear is probably not warranted. Ask the TwinzTalk duo, and Don and I will enthusiastically share the incredible potential for good that we believe AI will bring to people who are calm, curious, and asking the question, “How can these AI tools be used to help?”

While AI is the “latest” technology, it is easy to find plenty of mainstream media coverage broadcasting the danger to our future lives; creating fear is a common quick reaction that scares people and supports a desire to stay with the status quo in their life. On an individual level, we must start by analyzing our responses and considering, “Am I taking a deliberate, thoughtful approach to my decisions, or am I part of the problem by taking a negative stand without doing any research on my own?”

Below, I will share thoughts from the article and tips that Don and I recommend as a more rational and thoughtful approach to assessing new technologies, including our approach to using ChatGPT AI.

“…an irrational amount of fear is a problem because it makes us susceptible to the “Foxy Loxy’s” of the world. Those who aim to leverage fear for personal gain. Those who sell advice, products, and services that feed into the fear. Those who want it to magnify it at every turn. The media is the obvious culprit, but there are countless others.”

“This past weekend alone, there were more than two dozen articles in the various papers I read highlighting the risks surrounding AI, how it is going to dismantle the American workforce, cause the wealth gap to widen even further, destabilize the economy, and even lead to nuclear holocaust.”

“For something that is so confusing and complicated, the answer is likely relatively simple. For industries less dependent on human behavior, AI will likely be a highly beneficial development. However, for those more dependent on us and our whims, caution is likely warranted.

This said, the majority of industries will unsurprisingly fall somewhere in the middle, which means they will be better off if they find a way to leverage but not rely too heavily on these new technologies.”

The article is thought-provoking and should encourage anyone to “take a deeper look” and study the possibilities of AI before dismissing the technology outright. The riskiest decision may be “I don’t need this,” and to proceed with your life’s routine. The approach that Don and I have used throughout our careers and are currently using around adopting ChatGPT and other AI technologies rapidly showing up in the world is:

  • Stay calm.
  • Carry a mindset of possibility. Be optimistic.
  • Do not watch or limit exposure to mainstream media, which brings alarmist news or the latest catastrophe to our living rooms.
  • Be curious and not judgemental. Ask yourself, “What might I be missing?” Read widely and study how tools are being used.
  • Choose to test out technology with the lowest risk proposition. Remember, choosing to ignore or do nothing may be an expensive choice in the longer run. By choosing low-risk ways to touch technology, you are gaining firsthand experience and are able to make a more educated decision for yourself as to whether to use it or not. By choosing low-risk, a mistake does not eliminate you from playing the game.

A calmer, optimistic mindset and a more intentional approach toward technology will open up a surprising world of possibilities to develop yourself personally and professionally. Be curious and chip away every day. You will develop yourself and become a more substantial contributor to your world and those who surround you!